Emergency Information and Services Active Shooter Information

Events of the past years have called attention to the need to be prepared for a wide range of emergencies. The tragedies at Virginia Tech and DeKalb have caused campuses across the country to reassess their level of preparedness. Our police department has for many years conducted training for our officers on responding to an active shooting incident.

We continue extensive on-going training for a response to these types of incidents. The awareness and preparedness of members of our community is equally important. We present this information for your use and distribution.If you witness any armed individual on campus at any time, call 911. In the event of an active shooter incident, please consider taking the following actions:

Contact Authorities:

  • Use emergency 911 system (only one person per room should call)
  • While 911 calls from New College may be routed to the local Sheriff’s Department, we will be informed of the call and respond.
  • Be aware that the 911 system will likely be overwhelmed.


  • First and foremost, if you can get out, do so.
  • If there is a safe escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises. Leave the area whether others agree to or not.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • If possible, help others escape.
  • Once outside get far away from the shooting scene and call 911.
  • If you encounter police officers as you leave the building they may direct you to one collection point. Keep your hands visible (on your head or showing open in front of you).
  • Do not pull the fire alarm. It will provide the shooter with more opportunities to cause harm.


  • If you can’t get out safely, you need to find a place to hide. Act quickly and quietly.
  • Lock and/or blockade the door.
  • Keep everyone calm, quiet and out of sight.
  • Take adequate cover/protection (i.e. concrete walls, thick desks, filing cabinets). Your hiding place should be out of the shooter’s view, provide protection if shots are fired in your direction, and not trap or restrict your options for movement.
  • Silence your cell phone and electronic devices.
  • Turn off all the lights and close blinds.
  • Place signs on exterior windows to identify the location of injured persons.
  • Stay in your secure location of the building until an “all clear” instruction is given by an authorized or known voice.
  • If the staff or students do not recognize the voice that is giving instruction, they should not change their status. Unknown or unfamiliar voices may be false and designed to give false assurances.


  • There is no one procedure that can be recommended in this situation.
  • Use common sense. If hiding or flight is impossible, remain quiet. Attempting to negotiate with the individual may be very dangerous.
  • As a last resort, and only if your life is in danger, whether you’re alone or working together as a group, fight.
  • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter. Improvise weapons.
  • Commit to your actions.

Remember: The first responders on the scene are not there to tend to the injured. They are well trained, and are there to eliminate the threat and stop the shooter.
Be careful not to make any changes to the scene of the incident since law enforcement authorities will investigate the area later.

What to do when law enforcement arrives:

  • The police objective is to immediately isolate/engage assailant(s) to stop the shooting as soon as possible.
  • Remain calm and follow instructions.
  • Put down bags/packages and keep your hands visible at all times. Avoid pointing or yelling.
  • If you know where the shooter is, tell the officers.
  • The first officers will not stop to aid injured persons.
  • Rescue teams will follow the first officers into secured areas to treat and remove injured persons.


  • Your specific location: Building name, floor and office or room number.
  • Number of people at your specific location.
  • Injuries: Number injured and types of injuries.
  • Assailant(s):
    • Location
    • Number of suspects
    • Race/gender
    • Clothing description
    • Physical features (height, weight, facial hair, glasses, etc.)
    • Type of weapons (long gun or handgun)
    • Backpack
    • Shooter’s identity, if known
    • Do you hear explosions separate from gunfire?
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